The 5/5/5 Cloud Detection and Response Benchmark

Time is the currency of the cloud. And in the cloud, attacks no longer take days — they take minutes.


A Detection and Response Benchmark Designed for the Cloud

10 minutes — that’s all it takes to execute an attack in the cloud after discovering an exploitable target.

The speed and sophistication of cloud attacks means that security teams must be able to detect and respond to cloud attacks faster than the attackers can complete them.

That’s why organizations need a modern benchmark to measure how fast they can detect and respond to cloud attacks. Outpacing attackers in the cloud requires security teams to meet the 5/5/5 Benchmark, which specifies 5 seconds to detect, 5 minutes to triage, and 5 minutes to respond to threats.

As more businesses migrate to the cloud, legacy detection and response frameworks are no longer sufficient. They’re based on the median on-premises dwell time of 16 days.

When the cost of a cloud breach is $4.45 million**, security teams need to be able to detect and respond to attacks at cloud speed. If they don’t, the blast radius will quickly expand and their financial impact will quickly compound. Meeting the 5/5/5 Benchmark will help organizations operate confidently and securely in the cloud.

* Source: Mandiant
** Source: IBM, Cost of a Data Breach

Learn More About the 5/5/5 Benchmark



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